File #: 2018-225    Version: Name: Zoning Request Z18-009
Type: Authorization Status: Passed
File created: 5/9/2018 In control: City Council
On agenda: 6/18/2018 Final action: 6/18/2018
Title: Public Hearing - Zoning Request Z18-009 - Rezoning from GC to OD-Conditional for the development of a 113,895 sq. ft. climate controlled self storage building - 2.71 Acres - Land Lot 810 - 2520 Spring Road - 2520 Spring Road, LLC
Sponsors: Derek Norton
Attachments: 1. Issue Sheet, 2. Staff Memo_V.2_Z18-009.pdf, 3. Applicant Imposed Zoning Stipulations_Z18-009.pdf, 4. Zoning Vicinity Map_Z18-009.pdf, 5. Land Use Vicinity Map_Z18-009.pdf, 6. Rezoning Application_Z18-009.pdf, 7. Site Plan_V.4_Z18-009.pdf, 8. Tree Plan_V.3_Z18-009.PDF, 9. Floor Plan & Building Elevations_V.2_Z18-009.pdf, 10. Building Rendering_Z18-009.pdf, 11. Legal Description_Z18-009.pdf, 12. Legal Ad_Z18-009.pdf


WARD:  1


COMMITTEE:  Community Development





Public Hearing - Zoning Request Z18-009 - Rezoning from GC to OD-Conditional for the development of a 113,895 sq. ft. climate controlled self storage building - 2.71 Acres - Land Lot 810 - 2520 Spring Road - 2520 Spring Road, LLC



ISSUE2520 Spring Road, LLC is requesting to rezone the subject property from to GC to OD-Conditional for the development of a 113,895 sq. ft. climate controlled self-storage facility. The applicant will demolish the existing blighted retail center and construct a new three-story climate controlled self-storage facility. The proposed three-story building will provide 109,635 sq. ft. of storage space and 4,260 sq. ft. of commercial/office space (includes the leasing office).


BACKGROUNDThe zoning request was heard by the Planning and Zoning Board at the June 11, 2018 meeting and was recommended for approval by a vote of 6-1 with staff conditions. During the meeting the applicant suggested some revisions to the staff conditions with respect to the screening of the HVAC units, dedication of right-of-way and the building elevations. Community Development was supportive of the proposed revisions and the revisions were accepted by the P&Z Board. The zoning conditions below have been modified to include the revisions proposed by the applicant.


RECOMMENDATION/REQUESTED ACTIONCommunity Development recommends the approval of the rezoning request for 2520 Spring Road from GC to OD-Conditional for the development of 113,895 sq. ft. climate controlled self-storage facility with conditions:


Standard Conditions (items 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 16 and 17 from Section 1201 of the Zoning Ordinance are not applicable)


1.                     The retention or detention pond shall be placed and screened appropriately to be unobtrusive to homes inside and outside the development. The storm water detention plan shall be designed to create at least a ten percent reduction in a 100-year storm event. The city engineer shall approve all plans.


2.                     All utilities within the development shall be underground.


3.                     The developer shall be responsible for any traffic improvements (including additional right-of-way dedications) deemed necessary by either the city or the county during construction plan review. Sidewalks shall be provided by the developer inside the subdivision and outside the subdivision adjacent to any public right-of-way consistent with city's requirements for the extent of the development. A grass buffer with a minimum width of two inches shall be provided between the back of curb and sidewalk.


4.                     No debris may be buried on any lot or common area.


5.                     The developer will install decorative streetlights within the development, subject to approval by the city engineer. Utilization of low intensity, environmental type lighting, the illumination of which shall be confined within the perimeter of the subject property through the use of "full-cutoff lighting".


6.                     The developer will comply with the city's current tree ordinance. All required tree protection measures shall be adhered to by the developer during construction.


7.                     All landscape plans must be prepared, stamped, and signed by a Georgia Registered Landscape Architect for any common areas or entrances. There shall be a landscaped front entrance, with monument, indicating the name of the development.


8.                     All yards and common areas are to be sodded, and landscaped. Irrigate as appropriate.


Special Conditions


9.                     The development shall maintain the following setbacks:


                     Front - 50’

                     Side - 20’

                     Rear - 90’


10.                     Utilization of low intensity, environmental type lighting shall be allowed within the development. The illumination of which shall be confined within the perimeter of the subject property through the use of “full cut-off lighting”.


11.                     Any proposed dumpsters shall be surrounded by a three-sided brick enclosure with an opaque gate in the front.  The brick shall match the color and material used for the commercial buildings.


12.                     All dumpsters shall contain rubber lids so as to minimize sounds.


13.                     There shall be a 10’, heavily-landscaped and maintained evergreen buffer adjacent to the property line that adjoins residential property. The developer shall plant trees in accordance with Section 503 of the Zoning Ordinance.


14.                     All HVAC units shall be screened from view from any public right-of-way (Spring Road) and the adjoining residential properties. (Revised during the P&Z Meeting)


15.                     There shall be no neon signs allowed on the property except for “open/closed” signs.


16.                     The use of metal paneling siding shall be prohibited for use on any building elevation.


17.                     The proposed building shall have a fire sprinkler system approved by the City’s Fire Marshal.


18.                     The rental of U-Haul trucks or trailers or similar moving trucks shall be prohibited on this site.


19.                     There shall be no outside storage of any type permitted on site, including but not limited to vehicles, semi-trucks, boats, RV’s, trailers and buses.


20.                     The developer shall be responsible for any water and sanitary sewer improvements deemed necessary by the Public Works Director during construction plan review.


21.                     The developer shall be responsible for any fire access improvements deemed necessary by the Fire Marshal during construction plan review. 


22.                     Trees shall be planted the entire length of Spring Road at an average spacing of no more than 40’.


23.                     The developer shall dedicate a 25’ right-of-way along the rear property line for a future public road. The dedication shall be completed simultaneously with the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy for the building. (Revised during the P&Z meeting)


24.                     Approval of the subject property for the OD-Conditional zoning district shall be conditioned upon the development of the property in substantial compliance with the site plan submitted 6/7/2018 created by Travis Pruitt and Associates, Inc. and all zoning stipulations above.


25.                     The applicant shall be bound to the elevations submitted and dated 6/4/2018. Approval of any change to the elevations must be obtained from the Director of Community Development. (Revised during the P&Z meeting)


26.                     The additional stipulations agreed upon by the applicant in the rezoning application submitted and dated on April 11, 2018. If there should be a discrepancy between the stipulations in the April 11, 2017 zoning application and the stipulations stated above, the stipulations stated above shall apply.